Different Forms of House Siding
Homeowners have a lifetime task of ensuring that their homes remain in great condition. This task includes making home improvement and renovations when necessary. There are many home improvement projects that a homeowner can undertake. One important home improvement project is installing house siding. Other than increasing the aesthetic appeal of your home, it also protects occupants from adverse weather conditions. Different types of material are used for house siding. The different materials offer a difference in cost, durability, energy efficiency and water resistance. The best house siding is one that offers you durability and is also energy efficient. It is also advisable to go for a house siding that is within our budget. It can be overwhelming to choose house siding. The different types of house siding are discussed in this article to make the decision easier.
Vinyl is a common house siding. Its popularity stems from its durability. It also provides a wide array of color options for homeowners to choose from. Its longevity is increased when well-installed. The cost of vinyl is low. It comes at low cost and since installation is easy it has low labor costs. It is very easy to clean vinyl. Its limitations include being prone to dents and gashes and since it is not waterproof, poor installation leads to molding. Metal house siding is commonly associated with modern homes. Steel and aluminum are the most common used. Metal offers the benefit of resilience as it doesn’t mold or rot and offers fire resistance. Metal is considered a green product as it can be cut with minimal waste. Since its heavy, the labor costs are usually high. Metal readily rusts when poorly installed. There is more information in this article.
Wood offers a timeless and natural look. Pine, cider spruce and fir are the types that can be picked from. Wood siding can be installed using different styles. Shingles, shakes, board, and clapboard are the styles that can be used. Find out more from this article. Installation cost of wood tends to come at lower costs. High maintenance is needed for wood for it to be durable. The wood should be stained and painted ever so often. Wood has insulation properties and this makes it energy efficient. Brick is a great investment with house siding. Brick can’t be attacked by insects and is also fire resistant. It doesn’t require maintenance or painting. However, brick comes at a higher cost. The installation of this siding comes at high labor costs. Read more about this in this article.
There are many different types of house siding to choose from. Go to this article to learn more.